Annamaria Ajmone reaches Singapore for the second part of the Grey Space project, an experimentation that wants to leave room for research and analyze the relationship between artists and producers.
The project is conceived and promoted by T.H.E Dance Company, Singapore, and provides that artists from different nations can gather in a welcoming and congenial context to meet, present their practices, verify the possibility of finding common themes and dynamics on which to work in groups.

To identify and support the artists, an informal international network was created: in addition to Crossing the sea, it comprises Oduro Akita International Dance Festival (Japan), Hong Kong Dance Exchange (Hong Kong), Contemporary Dance Exchange (Macao), Indonesian Dance Festival (Indonesia), BIPAM Bangkok International Performing Arts Meeting (Thailand), Arabesque Dance Company (Vietnam).

In 2021, the artists carried out a digital residency; in 2022, they finally met to work together for two weeks, after which they presented a work in progress. Annamaria worked on the theme of “radio therapy”, born from the fusion of ideas with Pakhamon Much Hemachandra (Thailand) and Nguyen Chung (Vietnam): an immersive performance / installation was born, in which the audience is invited to take part in the ” therapy “by moving freely in a space.

For 2023, we want to verify the interest of the partners in hosting a subsequent work moment of the artists to finalize the creation.

“Looking at the skyscrapers is one of the most beautiful things, if you like architecture a little, but the jungle is sovereign and it will rebel anyway. This, of what is where perhaps it shouldn’t be. Will the roots of the plants split the asphalt, will they devour the city? “

“I had met Much and Chung already online a few times. We chose each other, randomly, and perhaps out of mutual fascination. But meeting us in Singapore somehow also explained to us why we chose each other. Perhaps because of our” impropriety “. “

“It was beautiful and difficult. Beautiful, because I believe in the value of all exchange projects, exchange knowledge and make it circulate; I believe in the circulation of information, I believe that art must be fluid, and we with it. An ecological thought , to create from what already exists, there is nothing new, but different manifestations. “

“We arrived at the day before without really knowing what we were going to present and then we chose to make an experiential choice, to share with others the experience we were having. I don’t know if that is the final form, but it is certainly the form that in that moment was thinkable and right for us. I was very happy that we were able to be so honest with our research. “