Martina Gambardella was born in Napoli on 1993. Associated artist of CodedUomo Choreography and Research, she is currently engaged with the choreographic research of Mute, selected for the Project Più-Erbacce 2022 and the action Around a Process of Making, developed within the Marosi Festival in Stromboli. She is the author of Error#1, a work selected for Vetrina GDA 2020, and Error supported by the action ResiDanceXL, promoted by the Network Anticorpi XL on 2021 and by CIMD-Incubatore per futuri coreografi. She trained as a dancer between Leeds, at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD) and Milan at the Centro Internazionale di Movimento e Danza (CIMD). On 2014, she moved to Berlin where she deepened the studies of techniques and tools for choreographic improvisation and instant composition in solo and ensamble with Maya M. Carroll, Rosalind Crisp, Julyen Hamilton. There, she also joined the Axis Syllabus International Research Community hub and on 2017, she co-fonded the performance collective Cavadoras, in collaboration with Lilly Pohlmann, Marcelo Schmittner and Marianne Tuckmann. On 2015, she worked as a dancer for The Instrument company, taking part to the productions Instrumental Bodies and Score4. On 2016, she achieved a Post-graduate Diploma in Developing Artistic Practice in London at the London Contemporary Dance School (LCDS).