DispensaBarzotti is founded by Alessandra Ventrella and Rocco Manfredi and is actually based in France (from 2019).

DispensaBarzotti’s original creations are meant to question the idea of perception. The link between what is human and what is not, what is animate and what is inanimate, between reality and magic, or reality and illusion are some of the main focuses of our investigation. DispensaBarzotti’s repertoire ranges from site-specific projects to performances for both theatres and public spaces, mixing puppet theatre, dance, pantomime and illusionism, according to our research of a more visual and physical form of theatre-making.

For its work, the company has received several national and international awards, and their plays have been presented at many Italian and foreign festivals: Santarcangelo’s Festival dei Teatri, Operaestate Festival, Volterra Festival, Festival de Almada (Portugal), Terni Festival, Small Season Festival (Bulgaria) and many more.