She choreographs everything, human and inhuman beings, mobile and immobile objects, maps, interstices and spatial holiday groups. She weaves networks of relationships, subtle and strong, like sugar glass.

Graduated in Communication with a final thesis on the social construction of the body in dance and graduated at The Place-
London, she then deepened her research in performing art living in Holland (2004-2009) and Poland (2013-2015). Her works forconventional spaces aim to expand the practice of choreography seeking for performative devices to incorporate a social
Her activism in the social and civic sphere, takes the artistic form of a research process that since 2013 investigates the use and social meaning of public space and the declination of choreographic skills in working with marginalised groups. Her work
searches for the continuous interlacing between practice and production of knowledge through it. Her works have been produced by Teatro Grande di Brescia (IT), Centro Nazionale della Danza Virgilio Sieni (IT), Ariella Vidach AiEP (IT), Konfrontacje Teatralne (PL), Biennale Danza Venice (IT), Orlando Festival (IT), Pergine Festival (IT), Lavanderia a Vapore (IT) e presentati presso International Dance Theater Festival Lublin (PL), OpenArt Orebro (SE), Biennale Danza di Venezia (IT), Cantieri Culturali Isolotto (IT), Cango (Italy), Zona K (IT), Indisciplinarte Terni (IT), Fog Festival (IT), In/Visible Cities (IT), Danae Festival (IT), Le Alleanze dei Corpi (IT) Farout (IT), Festival Periferico (IT), Giornate del respiro-Teatro di Sardegna (IT), Nu Festival (IT), Teatro Bastardo (IT), Korperformer (IT) and others.
She is associated artist of Base_Milano 2022-2024.
