EM+ is the project that combines the choreographic practices of Emanuele Rosa and Maria Focaraccio. The first work “HOW TO _ just another Boléro” (2021) is the winning project of Call from the Aisle 2021, selected at the Vetrina della giovane danza d’autore eXtra 2021 and at dFeria 2023 (San Sebastián, Spain). EM+’s second work, all you need is (2022), received the 1st Prize Award at TWAIN Direzioni Altre 2022 Award and got selected at Vetrina della giovane danza d’autore eXtra 2022. Emanuele and Maria are associate artists of C&C Company, co-producer of their works together with S’ALA / spazio per artist+ ; EM+’s works are presented in numerous festivals in Italy and abroad (Spain, Portugal and Montenegro).

For the year 2023, Emanuele and Maria have been selected as artists of ResiDance XL – action of Network Anticorpi XL. During their first years of activity they were supported by: Twain_Centro di Produzione Danza, PERIFERIE ARTISTICHE_Centro di Residenza del Lazio, KOMM TANZ/PASSO NORD, residency project Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni in collaboration with the Municipality of Rovereto, by Start and Go project of the Municipality of Genoa, CURA – Centro Umbro Residenze Artistiche, Corsia Of – Centro di Creazione Contemporanea, Micro Macro Terra Marique. They have been also invited to the section Visiting of the European project Big Pulse, as part of the Festival Tanec Praha, Prague – June 2023.