Ludovico Paladini, born in Rome in 1998, is a dancer/performer active in Italy, France and Switzerland. He obtained a Bachelor in Contemporary Dance at the Manufacture Haute Ecole des Art de la scene in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2020.
In October 2020 he worked as a performer with the Alias company in the creation In C. In February 2021, together with his Manufacture partners, he presented the show A Dance Climax, choreographed by Mathilde Monnier and presented at Antigel Festival in Geneva.
Since 2020, he has been working as a interpreter with choreographer Olivia Grandville in France.
From December 2020, he works as a choreographer with AMAT and MARCHE TEATRO, for the production of his solo Tales of FreeDoom.
In September 2021, he performed in the show L’amour de la fille et du garcon, choreographed by Prisca Harsch and Pascal Gravat as part of the Batie festival in Geneva.