TEODORO BONCI DEL BENE author, director and translator, graduated from Moscow Theatre Art School, in 2010 he founded the company (and space of the same name) Big Action Money. With Fabio Biondi and L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino in 2013 created the project Cantiere Vyrypaev, dedicated to the Russian playwright. In 2015 Vyrypaev’s “Illusions” which Teodoro translated and directed, debuted at the Vie Festival d Modena; in the same year the TTV festival commissioned him to perform “Kislorod” based on Vyrypaev’s film of the same name. For ERT Fondazione Teodoro directed “Sadness and Joy in the Life of Giraffe” by Tiago Rodrigues, and wrote and directed “Romeo and Juliet. Melo-drama”. In 2020 he wrote and directed “Starship Italy” whose protagonists are the spectators who, with their eyes closed, imagine the show. In 2021 he directed and played “Sensible Data: New Constructive Ethics” for the National Theater of Genoa; the show premiered as part of the G8 Project. In 2022 he wrote and directed “1985: Apocalypse Tondelli” a 12-hour performance based on Pier Vittorio Tondelli’s novel “Rimini”. In 2023 he performs “How I Learned Not to Worry and Love Russia” for which he is the author and performer. His translations of the works of Ivan Vyrypaev and Mikhail Durnenkov, Russian authors forced to live in exile, are published by Cue Press.
