UnterWasser Company has been founded in 2014 by Valeria Bianchi, Aurora Buzzetti and Giulia De Canio. The company places itself at the border between Visual theatre and Contemporary Art, exploring how the two overlap and creating an original, poetic language. The focus is on the artistic object, the handcraft, the image, the sculpture.
The performance is a Mobile Installation to be enjoyed in the evolving of the scenes (frames), in the fluidity of their flowing, in the sequence of not-hidden transformations of the matter, in changing of perspectives and points of view, that bring on the scene the principle of editing as used in cinema.
We are fascinated by the extraordinary possibility offered by Visual Theatre of opening doors on the scene, gashes that bring the public in poetic, dreamlike and fantastic worlds, empty canvas on which the eye of each spectator can project meanings and evoke memories and emotions. We believe that the public has an active role.
The author is a guide but it is the spectator who composes the show within himself. The images are inspired from the world of dreams, a well from which to draw suggestions from the inner universe. The use of words is limited, most of the times absent. The sound track becomes an integral part of the dramaturgy.